Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Right Wing Extremism

As of April 7th, 2009, I have a new moniker. I am now a Right Wing Extremist. In the past, this has had a very negative connotation. They used to be people that bombed abortion clinics. They have historically been people like Ted Kaczynski, hermits that refuse to acknowledge any law; local, state, or federal. They were the KKK, the Aryan Nation, The National Socialist Movement. Not anymore.

I am a right wing extremist.

The Department Of Homeland Security released a report, warning of the threat of terrorism by Right Wing Extremists. Without reading it, I whole-heartedly agreed. I have no use for the above-mentioned “wackos”. I do not condone the murder of innocent people. I do not subscribe to hate of a populace simply because of their religion. I do not tolerate racism in any form or fashion. Then I read it. I read the assessment “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment”, recently released by the DHS.

The preamble notes that this has been sent to law enforcement agencies to “deter, prevent, preempt, or respond to terrorist attacks in the United States”. So far, so good. I’m all for deterring terrorism. I love my country, and I love my family more. I believe in profiling these terrorists and that we should all be on guard.

I then turn to the “Key Findings”. I note that they say that the DHS has no specific information that domestic rightwing extremists are currently planning acts of violence, that threats by white supremacists and violent groups are rhetorical. I am intrigued. If there is no information of actual threats of violence, why issue a report? As I read further, my world is turned upside down.

I read through the first page and realize that I, I, am a right wing extremist. A footnote at the bottom of the first page describes me to a tee. Well, at least the second part of it. The footnote lists hate groups based on religion, racial, or ethnic groups, but then goes on to describe persons rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority and groups or individuals that are dedicated to a single issue such as opposition to abortion or immigration. I would think that gay rights activists and eco-freaks (dirt people as I call them), would be on this report, since they are also single issue activists. But it seems that only “right wing” issues are extreme.

Friends, there is this little thing called the 10th amendment. If you’ve never read it you should. It states that anything not specifically delegated by the Constitution should be left up to the individual sates. Abortion is not mentioned. Neither is marriage. Not a word about Education. So yes, I reject Federal authority on those issues. Each of those issues should be left up to the states. (This is why I do not have a problem with Vermont or Iowa approving and accepting gay marriage, but that is a topic I will discuss in a later blog).

They then turn to those that have lost jobs due to the economic downturn. They quote a German, (yes GERMAN), study that finds that there appears to be a strong association between a parent’s unemployment status and the formation of rightwing beliefs in their children, specifically xenophobia and antidemocratic ideals. So the children of people that have lost their jobs are the threat to our country also. Are you disgusted yet? If not, please read on…

The last page (before the conclusion) is the page that actually brought tears to my eyes. This report, after many other asinine points, targets military veterans. They warn that rightwing extremists groups will try to recruit returning veterans to exploit their skills and knowledge. These are the men and women that I have tried to model my children after. Nothing would make me prouder than for my son or daughter to serve our country as these brave soldiers have. To know that they are considered a terrorist threat absolutely makes my stomach turn. These are our sons and daughters, husbands and wives, mothers and fathers that have kept us free for more than two centuries. I have never encountered a soldier that I have not approached and thanked them, with a handshake or a hug, for their service to our country. These are our true heroes. To target them as terrorists is the ultimate slap in the face to veterans of all ages, ethnic groups, and religions.

My friends, this is where our country in headed. This is what we have become. It began with the election of a socialist president with a socialist congress.

Per our Constitution, we the people have the right, the obligation, to ensure that the powers of the federal government are “few and defined” and extend “principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce”. As Thomas Jefferson is quoted, “the Tenth Amendment is the foundation of the Constitution”.

It is time to stand up, revitalize our core, and get back to the America that our founding fathers envisioned: One of limited Federal authority with the freedom of the states to make laws that are reserved to the states or to the people they serve.

Click here to read the report yourself: http://www.gordonunleashed.com/HSA%20-%20Rightwing%20Extremism%20-%2009%2004%2007.pdf

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