After years of being unaware, I have come to the conclusion that liberals have no concept of the English language. Either that or they willfully ignore even the most basic definitions of everyday words.
For instance, last week, Obama offered to pay, yes PAY, VOLUNTEERS for service that he approves of. For those of you out there that do not know the definition of volunteer, I will offer it up for you. Per Webster’s Dictionary, volunteer means: without pay. So your illustrious president has taken it upon himself to redefine a primary word in the English vocabulary. No longer does volunteer mean without pay, you can now get paid for volunteer work.
Most recently, a liberal gay activist has redefined the word tolerance. Tolerance, according to Webster’s, and according to everyone I know, means a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward opinions and practices that differ from one's own. However, most, if not all liberals that I know, only want tolerance to be practiced one way. If you think as they do then you are tolerant. If not, then you are labeled a homophobe, racist, or xenophobe. Please allow me to illustrate the latest example of liberal “tolerance”.
Last week, during the Miss America pageant, Miss California, Carrie Prejean, was asked for her OPINION on gay marriage by left wing extremist nut job Perez Hilton. He asked, "Vermont recently became the fourth state to legalize same-sex marriage. Do you think every state should follow suit, why or why not?" Now, mind you, he (she/it) ASKED for her opinion. He knew before the question that she was religious, a Christian, and clearly his intent was to have her waiver in her faith, hoping that a crown would be more important to her than her faith. God bless her. She stood up to him, knowing that it could cost her the Miss America crown. She answered the following: “In my country, in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman”. This was her opinion, an opinion shared my most of American citizens (if you don’t believe me, just look at Proposition 8, the California ballot proposition that defined marriage as exclusive to one man and one woman. This initiative comes from the most liberal, and gay, state in the United States. Even the majority of California citizens reject gay marriage). Not only did this cost her the Miss America crown, but gay activists have ridiculed and criticized her beyond belief. Perez called her a dumb b---h, and a stupid c—t. Mr./Mrs/It Perez, where is YOUR tolerance?????
It is obvious that tolerance only extends to liberals. Conservatives cannot disagree with anything liberals stand for or we are labeled stupid. We are not allowed to stand up for our beliefs. If we do, we are called horrible names. We are ridiculed on liberal websites and liberal new channels. Where is the tolerance for other avenues of thought?
I have been called intolerant, mean, hateful, a b---h, and a myriad of other labels...all in the name of tolerance. Last week, as I was driving down the road, someone threw something at my car, specifically at my “Right Wing Extremist” bumper sticker. Where is the tolerance from the left? It does not exist. If you are not with them, then you are hated and ridiculed. I am wrong, and there can be no “tolerance” for any other agenda but theirs.
So I ask my liberal friends, where is your tolerance for my opinion? Why do you expect, nay DEMAND, my tolerance, when you will not extend the same courtesy to me?
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you are so clever!!! ashley